Sample Management#

Download presentations, images, and other material regarding eLabJournal from DAPwellscienceteam/SampleManagement/elabjournal.

We use the electronic notebook eLabJournal, one of the two Electronic Lab Notebooks provided by TU Delft, to manage physical samples. eLabJournal has a user-friendly interface and inventory functionality.

Get started with eLabjournal#

Are you a new users or would you like to create a new group on eLabJournal? Follow these spteps:

Would you like to join an existing group? Do the following:

Naming Convention#

By adopting a sample naming convention, we are able to reconstruct the sample lineage from the original sample (parent) through subsequent subsamples (children). Subsample names must be preceded by the parent sample name to establish the relationship with the originating sample, as illustrated in the diagram below.

Samples Lineage

It is important to designate a unique abbreviation to each type of sample and subsample to make its identification easier. Based on the studies carried out so far (Sep 2024), we used the following sample identifiers.

Sample Identifiers

Primary samples are common to one well only, being the most important element in the naming convention: Core, cuttings, brine, are among the parent samples collected from boreholes. Whereas, core catcher, core chips, and core plugs are derived from a core. Trim-ends, for example, are produced from core plugs during preparation for lab analyses. This is how the relationships are defined.

Note that cores were preserved in their barrels, therefore chipping and plugging was only possible from the core ends. Thus, the sample name must include an indication whether the chip/plug comes from the Top or the Bottom of the core.

Sample Naming convention

Geothermal Well Group#

Team members of the geothermal well project have access to the DELGT Group on elabjournal. Login on with your netID and select Inventory on the top menu to display all the samples from the geothermal well.

ℹ Watch this videoclip to find samples on elabjournal.

Below is an overview of the sample inventory on elabjournal, a

Inventory overview

Note that samples from the Monitoring borehole DAPGEO-02 are managed in a separate DAPGEO-02 Group on eLabJournal.

Label Printing#

There is a learning curve to set up a new label template. There are already several label templates on elabjournal for each type of sample, either for the small or large label size.

Types of Labels

There are four label printers available in the core room 00.31, two for each label size. Use browsers Firefox of Chrome to avoid printing problems. Connect the printer of your choice via USB to one of the two laptops in the core room. Keep them in this room; if you need to take it out, please notify Auke Barnhoorn about it. There are also three tablets available for lab users, unfortunately elabjournal does not have available software for OS Android, therefore printing from tablets is not working. But they can be useful to register data directly into elabjournal when collecting samples in the field. Please, get in touch with Susanne Laumann to borrow one of the tablets.

ℹ Watch this videoclip to guide you to print labels.

Storage Room 00.31#

Auke Barnhoorn and Jens van den Berg look after the Core Storage Room in the basement of the CEG building. If you would like to consult documents regarding the core storage, please visit DAPwellscienceteam/SampleManagement/CoreStorage.

Download the map of the sample organisation in the storage room to find samples.

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If you take samples out of the room, please update the status of samples on elabjournal as checked out, to let others know that the samples did not dissappear, but they are being used by someone else.

Storage Room